SORELLE is an advanced women’s chamber chorus with 20 to 30 members. Repertoire is varied in genre and style.
Rehearsals are held on Sunday afternoons.
Two seasons per year—Spring and Fall. $75 dues per season.
(Financial assistance available as needed.)
We listen to potential members throughout the year, and maintain a waiting list.
Include your name and contact information and list all music experience.
Include choral/vocal and instrumental.
Criteria for membership is vocal/choral experience and independent musicianship skills.
While Sorelle prefers experienced readers, we seek out good natural voices and intuitive musicians willing to work to improve reading skills.
AT YOUR AUDITION: We will ask you to sight-read, and do some brief exercises to explore your range and ear.
✔︎ PREPARE a 1 to 2 minute passage from any song
that you like to sing that demonstrates your voice well.
(This can be a solo, or from a choral work)
✔︎ SING SCALES to demonstrate range
✔︎ SIGHT-READ a short simple melody
✔︎ CLAP & COUNT short, simple rhythmic samples
✔︎ ECHO a few short melodic & rhythmic passages